CfP: Comics Grid. Journal of Comics Scholarship

The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship
Editor: Ernesto Priego, City University London
Stichtag: 31.03.2015

As we open a new volume for 2015, The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship would like to invite all authors to submit contributions to the journal.

We welcome submissions from graduate students, scholars, artists, teachers, curators, researchers, publishers and librarians from any academic, disciplinary or artistic background interested in the study and/or practice of comics or other related cultural expressions. Submissions can cover any thematic field and approach as long as they fulfil The Comics Grid’s editorial guidelines, available here.

For 2015 we have also identified 15 priority general thematic areas we encourage authors to consider:

  • Online comics, digital comics and comics in non-print platforms
  • Comics and print culture; comics and history of the book; comics and caricature
  • Comics and cultural value
  • Comics and libraries, archives; comics preservation; comics and the digital humanities
  • Data research on comics; data science and comics
  • Comics and international development; comics and human rights
  • Comics in languages other than English
  • Comics and translation
  • Comics as educational resources
  • Long-form and short-form non-fiction comics and comics journalism
  • Comics and science or scholarly communication
  • Comics fan networks on line and off line; amateur comics as fan fiction
  • Academic engagement with comics in comics or other visual forms
  • Women in comics; comics scholarship and feminism, gender studies
  • Comics and multimodality and transmedia; comics as immersive documents

The Comics Grid publishes one issue per year, with rapid publication as soon as articles are ready. Submissions can be sent throughout the year, however editorial deadlines are:
March 31st
October 31st

Further information:

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