Popular culture is political. It is at the same time a highly contested realm of social life where meanings are determined and debated. Cultural production is always intertextual and polysemic, and their multiple meanings can be activated in different ways by different kinds of audiences inhabiting different social locations or ‘positionalities.’ The reception of popular culture can thus also be hegemonic, counter-hegemonic, or sometimes a combination of both. Popular culture helps to explore the fundamental power relations at work. But ironically there has been very limited attempt to bring forth the dynamic nature of popular culture in India.
This book attempts to understand the Music, Painting, Art, Literature, Fashion, Dance, Film, Television, Religion, Festival, Drama, Comics, Graphic Novels, Cartoons, Theatre, Architecture, Sports, Auto mobiles, Indian Martial Art, Indian traditional art forms, Religion, Pornography, Nationalism, Migration, Memory, Health, Law, Education, Media, Family, Identity, Gender and sexuality, and New Theories and Methods related to different aspects of popular culture in India.
Papers reflecting themes and issues related to different aspects or any aspect of popular culture in India will be appreciated.
Proposed Publisher:
A reputed publisher will publish the volume with an ISBN (International Standard Book Number).
Editing requirements:
- Paper size: A4, Font & size: Times New Roman 12, Spacing: 1.5 lines, Margin of 1 inch on all four sides.
- Title of the paper: bold, Sentence case (Capitalize each word), centered. Font & size: Times New Roman 14 bold
- Text of the paper: justified. Font & size: Times New Roman 12. Images should in jpg.
- References: Please adhere to the MLA style Seventh Edition (Only Author-Date or Number System) strictly. Don’t use Foot Notes, Use End Notes
- Titles of books: Italics.
- Titles of articles from journals and books: “quoted”.
- The paper should not be less than 4000-6000 words.
Mode of Submission:
Each contributor is advised to send full paper with brief bio-note, declaration and abstract as a single MS-Word email attachment to this email addresses: indianpopularculture2015@gmail.com up to 31 September, 2015.
Dr. Aju Aravind
Assistant Professor
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India
contact email: aaravind13@gmail.com
M Abou Raihan Rinku
Research Fellow
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India
Selection Procedure:
All submissions will be sent for blind peer reviewing. Final selection will be made only if the papers are approved for publication by the referees. The details of the selection of your paper will be conveyed by email. The executive editor has the right to make indispensable expurgation of selected papers for the sake of conceptual clarity and structuring. Non-selected papers will not be sent back to the donor in any form. So, all contributors are counselled to keep a copy of their submission with them.
Plagiarism Alert:
Contributors are advised to abide by to austere academic ethics with respect to acknowledgment of original ideas from others. The editors will not be liable for any such lapse of the contributor. All submissions should be innovative and must be supplemented by a declaration that it is an original work and has not been published anywhere else. It will be your lone accountability for such lapses, if any. Neither editors, nor publisher will be responsible for it.