CfP: Transmedial Narratology: Theories and Methods

Winter School at the Graduate Academy
of the University of Tuebingen, Germany
February 23 to February 26, 2016
Stichtag: 30.10.2015

Narratives are everywhere. Whenever we read a novel or a comic, watch a film in the cinema or an episode of our favorite series on television, or play the latest singleplayer video game, we are engaging with narrative media. Likewise, intermedial adaptations and transmedial entertainment franchises are, at their core, narrative forms. Against this background, the Winter School “Transmedial Narratology: Theories and Methods” is concerned with how narratives across media can be analyzed in the context of a “media-conscious” narratology that has continually expanded its domain “beyond the literary text” during the past few decades.

To complement a number of keynotes concerned with the theoretical and methodological foundation of such a transmedial narratology as well as with the specification of its theories and methods with regard to conventionally distinct media such as pictures, instrumental music, digital multimodal literature, comics, theatrical performances, films, television series, or video games, we warmly invite additional contributions to the program in the form of short 15 minute papers that will be presented and discussed as part of a series of themed workshops (for further information regarding the keynote and workshop topics, see
the link below).

Please send an abstract of 200 words and a 100-word bio via email (as a PDF or Word-Document) to no later than October 30, 2015.

Preference will be given to papers that have some connection to the remainder of the Winter School program (see link below). For MA and PhD students whose papers are accepted, accommodation grants of up to 500.- € covering the cost of a hotel room for the duration of the Winter School (but not the travel costs) are available. This Winter School is supported by the Institutional Strategy of the University of Tuebingen (DFG, ZUK 63).

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