CfP: Gender and the Superhero Narrative

Book Collection
Coeditors: Michael Goodrum, Tara Prescott, and Philip Smith
Stichtag: 30.12.2015

Seeking abstracts for an upcoming essay collection on comics, gender, and superhero narratives. We seek essays on the creators, characters, readers, and fan communities who engage with questions of gender and the superhero.

We are interested not only in the present controversies and debates on gender and the superhero genre, but also in the question of how we got here. Possible topics might include:

  • Reading the Superbody
  • Superhero merchandising and other paratexts
  • Reactions to the introduction of a female Thor
  • GamerGate and the Superhero
  • LGBTQI representation in Comics
  • Ms Marvel
  • Fan communities “writing back”
  • International and non-anglophone Superheroes

Please direct any questions and 500-600 word proposals to by December 30, 2015.
Final pieces will be 10,000 words.

View further details on MLA Commons:

or the book’s Facebook page:

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