Im Monitor werden in unregelmäßigen Abständen aktuelle Publikationen aus den letzten 6 Monaten vorgestellt, die für die Comicforschung relevant sein könnten. Die kurzen Ankündigungstexte dazu stammen von den jeweiligen Verlagsseiten. Haben Sie Anregungen oder Hinweise auf Neuerscheinungen, die übersehen worden sind und hier erwähnt werden sollten? Das Team freut sich über eine Mail an -> Zu früheren Monitoren.
Comic – Film – Gender
Zur (Re-)Medialisierung von Geschlecht im Comicfilm
Véronique Sina
304 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-8376-3336-8
~€ 34,99
Februar 2016
Welche Rolle spielt die Kategorie Gender für die Konstitution von Comic und Film? Véronique Sina geht dieser Frage anhand ausgewählter Comic- und Filmbeispiele wie Frank Millers »Sin City«, Enki Bilals »Immortel (ad vitam)« oder Matthew Vaughns »Kick-Ass« nach. Auf Basis einer detailreichen, vergleichenden Analyse beider Medien entwickelt sie das Konzept des performativen Comicfilms und verdeutlicht dabei gleichzeitig, wie sich Comic, Film und Gender wechselseitig generieren und produktiv aufeinander einwirken. Mit dieser Fokussierung auf die reziproke Beziehung der Performativität von Gender sowie der Medialität des Performativen leistet die Studie einen wichtigen Beitrag zu den Gender-Media Studies.
The Visual Narrative Reader
Neil Cohn (Hg.)
375 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-47257-790-0
~£ 75.00
Januar 2016
Sequential images are as natural at conveying narratives as verbal language, and have appeared throughout human history, from cave paintings and tapestries right through to modern comics. Contemporary research on this visual language of sequential images has been scattered across several fields: linguistics, psychology, anthropology, art education, comics studies, and others. Only recently has this disparate research begun to be incorporated into a coherent understanding. In The Visual Narrative Reader, Neil Cohn collects chapters that cross these disciplinary divides from many of the foremost international researchers who explore fundamental questions about visual narratives.
Manga in America
Transnational Book Publishing and the Domestication of Japanese Comics
Casey Brienza
232 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-47259-587-4
~$ 29,95
Januar 2016
Japanese manga comic books have attracted a devoted global following. In the popular press manga is said to have “invaded” and “conquered” the United States, and its success is held up as a quintessential example of the globalization of popular culture challenging American hegemony in the twenty-first century.
In Manga in America – the first ever book-length study of the history, structure, and practices of the American manga publishing industry – Casey Brienza explodes this assumption. Drawing on extensive field research and interviews with industry insiders about licensing deals, processes of translation, adaptation, and marketing, new digital publishing and distribution models, and more, Brienza shows that the transnational production of culture is an active, labor-intensive, and oft-contested process of “domestication.” Ultimately, Manga in America argues that the domestication of manga reinforces the very same imbalances of national power that might otherwise seem to have been transformed by it and that the success of Japanese manga in the United States actually serves to make manga everywhere more American.
Documentary Comics
Graphic Truth-Telling in a Skeptical Age
Nina Mickwitz
Palgrave Macmillan
224 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-137-50116-5
~€ 95,00
Dezember 2015
Can comics be documentary, and can documentary take the form of, and thus be, comics? Through a cluster of early twenty-first century comics, Mickwitz argues that these comics share a documentary ambition to visually narrate and represent aspects and events of the real world.
The Superhero Costume
Identity and Disguise in Fact and Fiction
Barbara Brownie und Danny Graydon
208 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-47259-593-5
~£ 19,99
November 2015
This book provides the first interdisciplinary analysis of the superhero costume and investigates wide-ranging issues such as identity, otherness, ritual dress and disguise. Analysis focuses on the implications of wearing superhero costume, exploring interpretations of the costumed hero and the extent to which the costume defines his or her role. Using examples across various media (comic books, film, and television) with case studies including The X-Men, Watchmen, real-life superheroes such as Phoenix Jones and Pussy Riot, and audience activities such as cosplay, The Superhero Costume presents new perspectives on the increasingly popular genre. A lively and thorough account of superhero fashions throughout history, The Superhero Costume will be essential reading for students of visual culture, popular culture, fashion and cultural studies.
Black Women in Sequence
Re-inking Comics, Graphic Novels, and Anime
Deborah Elizabeth Whaley
University of Washington Press
288 Seiten
ISBN 978-0-29599-496-3
~$ 30,00
November 2015
Black Women in Sequence takes readers on a search for women of African descent in comics subculture. From the 1971 appearance of the Skywald Publications character „the Butterfly“ – the first Black female superheroine in a comic book – to contemporary comic books, graphic novels, film, manga, and video gaming, a growing number of Black women are becoming producers, viewers, and subjects of sequential art.
As the first detailed investigation of Black women’s participation in comic art, Black Women in Sequence examines the representation, production, and transnational circulation of women of African descent in the sequential art world. In this groundbreaking study, which includes interviews with artists and writers, Deborah Whaley suggests that the treatment of the Black female subject in sequential art says much about the place of people of African descent in national ideology in the United States and abroad.