CFP: Ecocritical Approaches to Comics and Graphic Novels

MLA (Modern Language Association) Convention
New York
January 4 - 7, 2018
Stichtag: 15.03.2017

MLA 2018 Special Session (not yet guaranteed)

Requesting proposals for papers that examine comics and graphic novels considering any aspect of ecocriticism for a special session at the 2018 MLA Conference.

Please send 250-word abstracts and bio by March 15 to Juan Meneses (

Contact Info:
Juan Meneses
English Department
University of North Carolina, Charlotte

PLEASE NOTE: This CFP is for a proposed, not a guaranteed, session at MLA 2018, meaning it is contingent on approval by the MLA Program Committee (which will make its decisions after April 1). All prospective presenters must be current MLA members by no later than April 7, 2017.

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