Unter dem Titel „Cartoon Bodies and Graphic Sensuality“ wird die AG Comicforschung am Samstag, den 1. Juli 2017 ein englischsprachiges Panel auf der Jahrestagung des European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS) veranstalten. Das allgemeine Thema der internationalen Konferenz in diesem Jahr lautet „Sensibility and the Senses. Media, Bodies, Practices“ Das Panel ist nicht nur mit AG-Mitgliedern, sondern gleichzeitig auch ausschließlich mit ComFor-Mitgliedern besetzt; moderiert wird es von Erwin Feyersinger (Tübingen).
Panel-Beschreibung (gekürzt):
„This panel combines four approaches to re-examine this idiosyncratic graphic sensuality: Ranging from the ambiguously emancipatory and racist traditions of physiognomically deformed bodies in the early 20th century, through their redrawing in the genre-defining art of underground comix and the political implications of their mutual naturalization and denaturalization in mainstream comics, to the yet innovative re-distribution of depicted and elicited agency in digital comics, these contributions are posed to focus the discussion of this aesthetic ambivalence and promise through four concrete analyses.“
- Lukas R.A. Wilde (Tübingen), „Interfacing (Digital) Comics: The Distribution and Negotiation of Agency and Control“
- Markus Engelns (Duisburg-Essen), „Seeing Fragmented Bodies – Towards an Inherent Political Quality of Comic Books“
- Stephan Packard (Freiburg/Köln), „‚Striking Our Time in Its Face‘: The Implausibly Denied Aggression of Caricature in Cartoons Focused Through Karl Kraus’ Battles with the Genre“
- Véronique Sina (Tübingen), „‚If only I’d had a nose job‘ – Representations of the Gendered Jewish Body in the Works of Aline Kominsky Crumb“