CFP: Webcomics

Call for Curators/Call for Posts
Online Scholarship
Coordinating Editor: Ethan Tussey
Stichtag: 28.08.2017

Call for Curators by IN MEDIA RES

In Media Res is dedicated to experimenting with collaborative, multi-modal forms of online scholarship. Our goal is to promote an online dialogue amongst scholars and the public about contemporary approaches to studying media. In Media Res provides a forum for more immediate critical engagement with media at a pace closer to how we experience mediated texts.

Each weekday, a different scholar curates a 30-second to 3-minute video clip/visual image slideshow accompanied by a 300-350-word impressionistic response. We use the title „curator“ because, like a curator in a museum, you are repurposing a media object that already exists and providing context through your commentary, which frames the object in a particular way. The clip/comment combination are intended both to introduce the curator’s work to the larger community of scholars (as well as non-academics who frequent the site) and, hopefully, encourage feedback/discussion from that community.

Theme weeks are designed to generate a networked conversation between curators. All the posts for theme weeks thematically overlap and the participating curators each agree to comment on one another’s work.

In Media Res hopes to:

  • Give scholars the opportunity to critically engage with the media in a more immediate and timely way.
  • Promote discussion within the media studies community through virtual interactions around contemporary media artifacts.
  • Enable a lively debate in which the sum total of the conversation will be more valuable than any one particular voice.
  • Bridge the divide between academic and non-academic communities, inviting a critically-engaged and/or curious public to join in.
  • Lead to the emergence of new scholarly and pedagogical ideas about studying and teaching media.
  • Work toward reinvigorating the academic’s role as public intellectual by presenting media scholars not just as informed experts with valuable ideas to impart about critical media literacy, but as fellow citizens in a mediated society.

We have both a Facebook group and Twitter feed that provide links to each day’s post and to the latest calls for curators. Website:

If you are interested in being a video curator, please contact us at:
Coordinating Editor: Ethan Tussey
Associate Editors: Soo Keung Jung, Geoffrey Henry, Wolfgang Boehm


Webcomics or digital comics is a growing form in production, distribution, and consumption of comics in this digital age. The remediation by digital technology influences the language, storytelling tropes and production processes of contemporary comics. In addition, the multimodality of webcomics, combining texts, images, sounds, video, gestures, and other sign systems, facilitates not only the negotiations between creators and readers around the meanings but also the creations of hybrid content applicable to a wide range of media. In Media Res seeks proposals for posts that examine any aspect of webcomics as their subjects. We welcome posts that share any findings and expand discussion and debate around the field of digital comic research.

Among the topics that might be examined:

  • Emergent webcomic forms and modes and digital technologies
  • Mediation and remediation of webcomics and its impact on reading comics
  • Adaptation and hybridization between webcomics and other media
  • Aesthetics and narratives of webcomics
  • Fan cultures and minority voices around webcomics

Proposals may be brief, but do be sure to describe the topic and key question(s) to be explored. Please submit your proposal by August 28th. If interested, please contact In Media Res ( with topic proposals or for more information about the theme. Be sure to include the name of the theme week you would like to be involved with in the subject line of the email.

Academics, journalists, critics, media professionals and fans are all welcome to submit proposals.

The actual piece will include either a 30-second to 3-minute clip, an image, or a slideshow that will be accompanied by a 300 to 350 word response to/contextualization of your clip, image, or slideshow. In addition to your piece, you will be expected to engage the other pieces presented that week to encourage discussion and further flesh out the individual topic in relation to the week’s theme.

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