Edtor: David Seelow
I am in the final stages of a proposal called Exploding Panels: Essays on Comics and Graphic Novels as New Media Transformation and Transgression. The collection divides into three sections: Part I Reading/Seeing Against the Grain, Part II Exploding Sex and Gender, and Part III Decentering Comics, Technology, Transmedia and the Future. It has already been looked at favorably by Rutgers University Press and I want to send the revised and refined proposal by August 20th or thereabout. There are many excellent scholars already committed to the project, but I would ideally like contributions on the following areas. If anyone would like to write on one of these areas let me know. For now, I only need a title and short abstract.
1) A chapter on diversity in superhero comics/graphic novels with some attention to The Black Panther, the new Spider-Man and Thor. 2) a contribution on continental comics/graphic novels – preferable emphasis on graphic novels (I have UK, Asia and Latin America), 3) Hollywood and superhero films how the explosion of Marvel Studios etc opened new audiences for superheroes.
Those 3 I think are essential for me. I thought something on supervillains or evil might be interesting, but that’s not essential for my proposal. Thanks David Seelow, seelowd@strose.edu
David Seelow, PhD
Founder, Revolutionary Learning
English faculty, College of Saint Rose
Facebook- fb.me/revlearning