CFP: Beyond Manga. Comics in Asia

Modern Language Association (MLA)
January 3 - 6, 2019
Stichtag: 15.03.2018

The comics world has been hugely influenced by, and in a large part shaped by, Japanese manga. Thus, manga is the center of many discussions about Asian comics in the United States. However, in Comics Studies less attention is given to comics from other Asian countries. This panel seeks to widen the discussion about comics to bring attention to Asian comics outside of Japan, and to interrogate the many visual forms and thematic concerns of Asian comics. Papers on comics from any Asian country other than Japan are welcome; papers must be in English but may discuss comics in any language. This call is for a non-guaranteed panel at the 2019 Modern Language Association Convention in Chicago from January 3-6, 2019. A 300-word abstract and a CV are due by March 15 to Jessica Gross at Questions before the deadline are welcome.

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