(South Atlantic Modern Language Association 90)
Fighters from the Margins: Socio-Political Activists and Their Allies
November 2 - 4, 2018
In Understanding Comics, McCloud argues that the manipulation of the reader through closure, the „phenomenon of observing the parts but perceiving the whole,“ is what truly sets comics apart from other media. Through closure, says McCloud, the reader becomes „an equal partner in crime“ with the comic artist. While McCloud’s description and examples rely mostly on acts of malice, can we also see closure used as a force of good in comics? Can the comics creator use closure as a means of creating allies and turning readers into activists? This panel welcomes papers that explore how comic strips, comic books, and graphic novels have been used to explore issues of social justice, especially those that align with the conference theme. By May 1, 2018, please email a 250-word abstract, along with a brief biographical note and any audio/visual requirements, to Jason Todd at jtodd1@xula.edu. SAMLA 90 (South Atlantic Modern Language Association 90: Fighters from the Margins: Socio-Political Activists and Their Allies) conference information can be found at https://samla.memberclicks.net/.