Editors: Goldie Morgentaler, Ruth Panofsky
Although the Holocaust has long engaged writers in Canada – those with and without direct links to the historic event – their particular exploration of the subject has received little critical or scholarly attention. We now invite submissions to a collection of scholarly essays on Canadian literary works that treat the subject of the Holocaust.
As the first of its kind, this collection aims to explore a wide range of Canadian Holocaust writing. Essays that examine literary works originally written in Yiddish, Hebrew, English, or French are welcome. For the purposes of this volume, literary works refer to poetry, drama, fiction (for adults and children), life writing, graphic narrative, and creative non-fiction, which could include material published in the press. Since the focus of this inaugural collection is deliberately broad, critical approaches may vary widely. Essays may be historical and/or theoretical, offer comprehensive overviews or case studies. Essays that draw on archival source material or little known primary texts are welcome.
Ideally, we hope to receive essays that, taken together, will trace the Canadian literary response to the world-altering events of mid-twentieth century Europe – ranging from the contemporary to the most recent.
Essays should be around 6,000 words and should use endnotes keyed to superscript numbers. Since McGill-Queen’s University Press has expressed interest in our collection, kindly format submissions according to the Press’s style guide, which is available at https://www.mqup.ca/style-guide-pages-99.php.
The editors will be happy to answer any queries. Feel free to contact us at:
Goldie Morgentaler goldie.morgentaler@uleth.ca
Ruth Panofsky panofsky@ryerson.ca
Please submit essays electronically to both editors by 15 September 2019.