William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA
April 18-19, 2020
The MACBS – the mid-Atlantic affiliate of the NACBS, the main organization for British Studies in Canada and the United States – is soliciting proposals for papers and panels on all areas of British Studies for our annual conference at William & Mary in Williamsburg. We welcome participation from scholars of Britain, the British Atlantic World, and the British Empire broadly defined, and we are open to proposals ranging from the ancient to the contemporary and from scholars of history, anthropology, literature, art, politics, economics and related fields. Senior faculty, junior faculty, and graduate students are all encouraged to participate.
Proposals for both individual papers and full panels are welcome. Paper proposals should include a brief (no more than 250 words) abstract of the paper and a curriculum vita. Full panel proposals should also include a one-paragraph description of the panel’s overall aim and indicate which panel member will serve as the organizer and primary contact.
Williamsburg, part of the “Historic Triangle” of communities in Southeast Virginia, is accessible by air, train, and car. It is a lively college town and popular sightseeing destination.
All submissions must be received by 3 January 2020.
Send proposals via email to:
Prof. Chris Bischof, Program Co-Chair
Dept. of History
University of Richmond
Prof. Stephanie Koscak, Program Co-Chair
Dept. of History
Wake Forest University
Funding for Graduate Students
We are able to provide limited funding on a needs basis to graduate students presenting papers at the conference. Applicants must be enrolled in good standing in a PhD-granting program and should submit the following information to the program co-chairs by email:
- Your name, email address, institution, and name of advisor
- Statement of interest and name of conference paper
- A budget outlining your approximate conference expenses
- A list of funding already received or available for conference travel and expenses
Click here for the archive of past conferences.