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Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics
online (im Abonnement)
- Sylvain Rheault: A surge of Indigenous graphic novels
- Anthony N. Castle: Who took the comi’cuts? Whatever happened to Ginger Meggs?
- Miren Junkal Guevara Llaguno: Chester Brown´s Bible in Mary Wept Over the Feet of Jesus
- Catherine Appleton: The theory-practice interplay in creating a graphic memoir about the trauma of forced migration
- Christopher S. Markle: The new Australian: an observation of inexperienced and outsider views in Perth comics
- David Lewkowich: Traumatic loss and productive impasse in comics: Visual metaphors of depression and melancholia in Jillian and Mariko Tamaki’s This One Summer
- Shilpa Shirishkumar Tanna, Geetha Bakilapadavu: Revealing Layers: Sarnath Banerjee’s The Barn Owl’s Wondrous Capers
- Kindall Fredricks: ‘Meeting beneath faraway rivers:’ Examining the impact of graphic medicine through the aids memorial quilt and 7 Miles a Second
- Daniel Marrone: Towards jouissance: Pleasure and frustration in the work of Patrick Kyle
- Neal Curtis: Superheroes and the mythic imagination: Order, agency and politics
- E. Dawson Varughese: ‘Drawing thoughts together’: Indian artists’ reflections on the post-millennial Indian graphic narratives scene
ImageText 11.2 (2019-2020)
online (open access)
- Michelle Ann Abate: The Far Side of Comeeks: Gary Larson, Lynda Barry, and Ugliness
- Irenae A. Aigbedion: Graphic Accounts of Violence: Visualizing Slavery in American Comics
- Willi Barthold: The Swordsman as the Artist: Aesthetics of Fragmentation in Eiichirō Oda’s One Piece and 21st Century Cultural Hybridity
- Chamara Moore: Have We Cleared the Intersection Yet?: Black Women in Comic Film Adaptations
- Matt Reingold: The Heritage Broker and the Cultural Mediator: Navigating the Past and the Present in Liana Finck’s A Bintel Brief: Love and Longing in Old New York
- Juha Virtanen: ‘What face … will the bogeyman of this dark century wear?’ Politicizing a Contemporary Joker Juha Virtanen
IJOCA: International Journal of ComicArt 21.1 (2019)
print (im Abonnement)
- Ronald Stewart: Itō Hirobumi’s Nose: Syphilis in Early 20th Century Japanese Cartoons
- Paul M. Malone: “You Are Leaving the French Sector”: Flix’s Spirou in Berlin and the Internationalization of German Comics
- Anton Kannemeyer: As I Please: A Personal Reflection on Censorship
- Annabelle Cone: The “Bobo” (bourgeois-bohème) as Post-Modern Figure? Gentrification and Globalization in Dupuy and Berberian’s Monsieur Jean and Boboland
- Tania Pérez-Cano: Graphic Testimonies of the Balsero Crisis of 1994: Narratives of Cuban Detainees at the Guantánamo Naval Base
- Ana Merino: Comics Reinventing Creativity in the Museum: Some Thoughts about the Show “Viñetas Desbordadas/Overflowing Panels”
- Jon Holt: Ishii Takashi, Beyond 1979: Ero Gekiga Godfather, GARO Inheritor, or Shōjo Manga Artist?
- Daniel F. Yezbick: Of Bears, Birds, and Barks: Animetaphoric Antagonism and Animalscéant Anxieties within Dell Funny Animal Franchise Comics
- John A. Lent: Wang Ning, Beijing Total Vision Culture Spreads Co. Ltd., and the Transnationalization of Chinese Comic Books
- Alvaro Alemán, Eduardo Villacís: Pointed Language: Reading Paola Gaviria’s Virus Tropical (2009) from the Perspective of the Visual Protocols of the Graphic Novel
- Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste: On Butterflies, Viruses, and Visas: Comics and the Perils of Diasporic Imagined Communities
- Anu Sugathan: The City and the Medium of Comics: Depiction of Urban Space in Sarnath Banerjee’s Corridor and The Barn Owl’s Wondrous Capers
- ComFor-Mitglied Dietrich Grünewald: Crossing Borders: Graphic Novels Quoting Art (übers.: Christina Little)
- Kent Worcester: That Chameleon Quality: An Interview with R. Sikoryak
- Sara Dallavalle: Popular Format and Auteur Format in Italian Comics. The Case of Magnus
- Sam Cannon, Hugo Hinojosa Lobos: Chile’s Military Dictatorship and Comics as Alternative Methods of Memorialization: Critical Approaches from Contemporary Chilean Graphic Novels
- Leila Sadegh Beigi: Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis and Embroideries: A Graphic Novelization of Sexual Revolution across Three Generations of Iranian Women
- Mathieu Li-Goyette: A Sublime in Tension Around Alexandre Fontaine Rousseau and Francis Desharnais’ Les Premiers Aviateurs
- Michelle Ann Abate: “They’re Quite Strange in the Larval Stage”: Children and Childhood in Gary Larson’s “The Far Side”
- Magnus Nilsson: Marxism Across Media: Characterization and Montage in Variety Artwork’s Capital in Manga
- Debarghya Sanyal: The Desi Archie: Selling India’s America to America’s India
- Sina Shamsavari: Gay Male Porno Comics: Genre, Conventions, and Challenges
- Anno Moyoco Yasuko Akiyama: Ambitious Women in Male Manga Magazines: Sakuran and Hataraki-Man
- Aimee Vincent: “Hey Kids, Patriarchy!”: Satire and Audience on the Back Covers of Bitch Planet
- Chad A. Barbour: The Fine Art of Genocide: Underground Comix and U.S. History as Horror Story
- John Darowski: Superman’s Remediation of Mid-20th Century American Identity
- Héctor Fernández L’Hoeste: A Matter of Affect: Illustrated Responses to the Immigration Debacle
- Bi Keguan: Random Notes of the Editorial Office of China’s Manhua Magazine (editiert: Bi Weimin, übers.: Xu Ying)
- Chu Der-Chung (Zola Zu) mit John A. Lent: The Chus: A Family Teeming with Cartoonists (übers. Xu Ying)
- Alvaro Alemán, Eduardo Villacís: Faith in Comics: Ex-voto Religious Offerings and Comic Art
- Barbara Zocal Da Silva: Translated Hispano-American Comics in Brazil
- Conversation with Jan Ziolkowski and Ariana Chaivaranon: An Afternoon with R. O. Blechman
- John Gardner: Kennedy Conspiracy Comics: ¡en Español!
- Michela Canepari:The Myth of Frankenstein from Mary Shelley to Gris Grimly: Some Intersemiotic and Ideological Issues
Sektion: The Best We Could Do: A Mini-Symposium
- Isabelle Martin: The Role of Water in the Construction of Refugee Subjectivity in Thi Bui’s The Best We Could Do
- Debarghya Sanyal: A Burden of Tales: Memories, Trauma, and Narratorial Legacies in The Best We Could Do and Munnu
- Francesca Lyn: The Fragmentary Body: Traumatic Configurations in Autobiographical Comics by Women of Color
- A. David Lewis: A Graphic Medicine Prescription
Sektion: Pioneers in Comics Scholarship
- Kosei Ono: My Life with American Comics: How It Started
- Shefali Elizabeth Mathew: Nature of Reality in the Graphic: “Calvin and Hobbes”