Noch bis zum 15. März 2020 können Fremd- und Selbstnominierungen für die Preise der Comics Studies Society (CSS) eingereicht werden. Erstmalig in diesem Jahr werden fünf Preise verliehen: der CSS Article Prize, der Hillary Chute Award for Best Graduate Student Conference Presentation, der Gilbert Seldes Prize for Public Scholarship, der Charles Hatfield Book Prize sowie erstmalig der CSS Prize for Edited Book Collections.
„Nominations for the CSS prizes may be historical, biographical, critical, analytical, pedagogical, and/or bibliographical in focus.
Nominations should draw on original research, acknowledge and advance existing scholarship where relevant, and include appropriate documentation.
Reprints of or excerpts from previously published works are not eligible for prizes.
Judging and awarding process: Nominees for each prize will be reviewed by a committee of not less than three members of the Comics Studies Society, as chosen by the CSS Executive Board, including the Awards Coordinator or their designee. Prize winners will be notified by June 15th, and announcements will be published on the CSS website and in Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society.“
Verliehen werden die Preise auf der dritten Jahreskonferenz der Comics Studies Society vom 5. bis 8. August 2020 an der Henderson State University in Arkansas.
Nominierungen können an die Koordinatorin der CSS-Preise, Biz Nijdam [], gesendet werden. Weitere Informationen gibt es auf der Seite der Comics Studies Society.