08.10.2020 - 10.10.2020

15. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Comicforschung:
Comics & Agency: Actors, Publics, Participation
Online | Live via Zoom
Es gibt keine Tagungsgebühr; eine vorherige Registrierung unter comfor@comicgesellschaft.de bis spätestens zum 5. Oktober 2020 ist jedoch notwendig.
Vanessa Ossa (University of Cologne)
Jan-Noël Thon (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Lukas R. A. Wilde (University of Tuebingen)
Donnerstag, 8. October 2020 |
13:30 CEST |
Welcome and Introduction: Christina Meyer (Free University Berlin), Vanessa Ossa (University of Cologne), Jan-Noël Thon (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Lukas R. A. Wilde (University of Tuebingen) |
Panel 1: Digital Agency |
14:00 CEST |
- Nicolle Lamerichs (HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht):
Comics Interfaces: Digital Innovation and Fandom on Webtoon
- Giorgio Busi Rizzi (Ghent University):
Won’t Somebody Please Think of the Readers? Digital Comics Enhancing and Undermining the Agency of Their Users
- Hans-Joachim Backe (IT University of Copenhagen):
Who Controls the Speech Bubbles? Refl ecting on Agency in Comic-Games
15:30 CEST |
Coffee Break |
Panel 2: Intermedial Agency |
16:00 CEST |
- Manuel Herrero-Puertas (National Taiwan University):
“Unconquerable and Simple”: Whitman, Democracy, Comics
- Greice Schneider (Universidade Federal de Sergipe):
Telling Stories with Photo-Archives: Narrativizing Visual Archives through Documentary Comics
- Jared Gardner (The Ohio State University):
Playing Comics, Reading Games
17:30 CEST |
Coffee Break |
Keynote 1 |
18:00 CEST |
Henry Jenkins (University of Southern California):
Comics and Stuff |
Award Ceremony: Martin-Schüwer-Preis 2020 |
20:00 CEST |
Dorothee Marx (University of Kiel), Daniel Stein (University of Siegen), and the Winner of the Martin-Schüwer-Preis |
Freitag, 9. October 2020 |
Panel 3: Authorial Agency |
11:30 CEST |
- Georges Felten (University of Zurich):
Moving Pictures: “Anti-Authorial” Dynamics in Wilhelm Busch’s Max und Moritz
- Laura Glötter (Heidelberg University):
Comics Artist versus Artistic Genius: Authorship and Metafiction in Fiske’s and Kverneland’s Kanon
- Jörn Ahrens (University of Giessen):
Ada in the Jungle and Aya in Yop City: Doing Gender and Doing Africa
Lunch Break |
Panel 4: Editorial Agency |
14:00 CEST |
- Jaqueline Berndt (Stockholm University): Distributive Agents Coming to the Fore: The Manga Editor in Recent Media Texts
- Barbara Eggert (University of Art and Design Linz):
Distribution and Publication as Topics in Autobiographical Graphic Novels and Comics Anthologies
- Jessica Burton (University of Luxembourg):
Tintin’s Global Journey: Invisible Actors behind a Europeanisation of the Comics Industry in the 1960s
15:30 CEST |
Coffee Break |
Panel 5: Distributional Agency |
16:00 CEST |
- Shawna Kidman (University of California San Diego):
Licensing and Licensors as Agents of Change in US Comic Book Publishing
- Romain Becker (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon):
How Reprodukt Creates Series
- Ian Horton (University of the Arts London) and John Miers (Kingston University London):
Issues of Agency when Archiving and Displaying Mini-Comics from the Les Coleman Collection
17:30 CEST |
Coffee Break |
Keynote 2
18:00 CEST |
Mel Gibson (Northumbria University):
Librarians, Agency, Young People, and Comics: Graphic Account and the Development of Graphic Novel Collections in Public Libraries in Britain in the 1990s |
Virtual Comic Museum Erlangen |
20:00 CEST |
Lisa Neun and Ralf Marczinczik |
Samstag, 10. October 2020 |
Open Forum |
11:30 CEST |
- Cathérine Lehnerer (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna):
Comic Workshops: New Ways to Shape Participation in Education
- Janina Wildfeuer, Ielka van der Sluis, and Gisela Redeker (University of Groningen):
No Laughing Matter? Analyzing Instructional First-Aid Comics
- Mark Hibbett (University of the Arts London):
Toward a Tool for Measuring Transmedia Character Coherence
Lunch Break |
Panel 7: Fan Agency (Part I) |
14:00 CEST |
- Benjamin Woo (Carleton University):
The Self-Commodifi cation of Comics Fandoms: From “Active” to “Agentic” Audiences?
- Matthew J. Smith (Radford University):
Pilgrimage to Hall H: Fan Agency at Comic-Con
- Suzanne Scott (University of Texas at Austin):
Towards an Aesthetics of Noncompliance: Comics Iconography and Fan Tattoos
15:30 CEST |
Coffee Break |
Panel 8: Fan Agency (Part II) |
16:00 CEST |
- Safiyya Hosein (Ryerson University/York University):
Muslim Manga: Fandom Discourses and Issues of Cultural Participation
- Anke Marie Bock and Ashumi Shah (University of Augsburg):
Death of the Endless and Fan Projections
- Christopher Pizzino (University of Georgia):
Comics and the Omnipotent Reader: The Body of Richard C. Meyer
17:30 CEST |
Coffee Break |
Concluding Discussion: Where Do We Go from Here? |
18:00 CEST |
Vanessa Ossa (University of Cologne), Jan-Noël Thon (Norwegian University of Science and Technology),
Lukas R. A. Wilde (University of Tuebingen) |
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