Seit März ist die Monografie Transmedia Character Studies, gemeinsam verfasst von Tobias Kunz und ComFor-Vorstandsmitglied Lukas R.A. Wilde, bei Routledge erhältlich. Neben einer ausdifferenzierten methodologischen Betrachtung des Themas enthält der Band auch zahlreiche konkrete Beispiele, unter Anderem zu Comics, Manga und Animation:
„Transmedia Character Studies provides a range of methodological tools and foundational vocabulary for the analysis of characters across and between various forms of multimodal, interactive, and even non-narrative or non-fictional media. This highly innovative work offers new perspectives on how to interrelate production discourses, media texts, and reception discourses, and how to select a suitable research corpus for the discussion of characters whose serial appearances stretch across years, decades, or even centuries. Each chapter starts from a different notion of how fictional characters can be considered, tracing character theories and models to approach character representations from perspectives developed in various disciplines and fields. This book will enable graduate students and scholars of transmedia studies, film, television, comics studies, video game studies, popular culture studies, fandom studies, narratology, and creative industries to conduct comprehensive, media-conscious analyses of characters across a variety of media.“
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