CFP: Native American/Indigenous Studies

Southwest Popular / American Culture Association (SWPACA)
41st Annual Conference
Hyatt Regency Hotel & Conference Center, Albuquerque
February 19 - 22, 2020
Stichtag: 31.10.2019

Proposals for papers and panels are now being accepted for the 41st annual SWPACA conference. One of the nation’s largest interdisciplinary academic conferences, SWPACA offers nearly 70 subject areas, each typically featuring multiple panels. For a full list of subject areas, area descriptions, and Area Chairs, please visit

Come present with us! Proposals are now being accepted for the Native/Indigenous Studies area. Listed below are some suggestions for possible presentations, but topics not included here are welcomed and encouraged. Paper topics can include transnational and international Indigenous issues.

Topics in the area at past conferences have included:

  • Cyberculture and social media
  • Native representations in popular culture (television, comic books, graphic novels, video/computer games, etc.)
  • Indigenous methodologies and interpretative frameworks
  • Queer theory and Native Studies
  • Teaching Native American Studies
  • Native art and artists
  • Popular culture and language preservation
  • Native American and Indigenous Literature
  • Indigenous resistance, regional or global (treaty rights, incarceration issues, sports mascots, etc.)
  • Native peoples’ relationships with various Communities of Color
  • Landscapes and Indigenous ecologies
  • Travel, tourism, and Indigenous nations
  • Native sovereignty and media

All proposals must be submitted through the conference’s database at
For details on using the submission database and on the application process in general, please see the Proposal Submission FAQs and Tips page at
Individual proposals for 15-minute papers must include an abstract of approximately 200-500 words. Including a brief bio in the body of the proposal form is encouraged, but not required.
For information on how to submit a proposal for a roundtable or a multi-paper panel, please view the above FAQs and Tips page.
The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2019.
SWPACA offers monetary awards for the best graduate student papers in a variety of categories. Submissions of accepted, full papers are due January 1, 2020. For more information, visit
Registration and travel information for the conference is available at

Contact: Margaret Vaughan, PhD, Metropolitan State University,

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