We are happy to publish the finished programme for our 2012 conference on Comics & Politics. As reported earlier, due the large number of contributions the conference has been extended by a fourth day; it will now take place from Septmber 27th through 30th.
Comics interact with politics and the political in several obvious ways: As a format of artistic expression, as a sometimes popular, alternative or marginalized genre, and not least as an element of new media, comics feature specific political dimensions that are not always sufficiently covered by concepts developed for the description of politics in other art forms. While several studies have dealt with particular instances, the special role of comics as archive, player, playing field, and constituent of political processes has rarely been examined under a common perspective.
The 7th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Comicforschung brings together several different disciplines and perspectives that deal with any of the many constellations of comics and politics, connecting to the recent talk of an ‘ethical turn’ in culture studies no less than to contemporary questions and theories from pictorial studies.
All persons interested in comics, politics in comics or comics studies are very welcome to join the conference. There is no attendance fee; however, to help with our logistics, we urge you to enrol by email. If you only plan to attend on certain days, please let us know about that as well.
(Stephan Packard)