CFP: International Congress of Comic Interdisciplinary Studies

Universidad de Zaragoza
April 5 - 6, 2017
Stichtag: 2017 01 09

After decades of marginalization in the academic field, comic studies have begun to fully integrate in Universities, in a gradual process which comes from pioneering events like Jornadas Culturales del Cómic, organized by the Bustrófedon group in Zaragoza during the eighties, to congresses like Congreso Cómic y Compromiso Social, organized by Universidad de Valencia in 2015. The first Congreso Internacional de Estudios Interdisciplinares sobre Cómic is motivated by the interest on opening a new space for exchange and discussion in the academic investigation, from a interdisciplinary perspective, which is the most appropiate for this subject of study, with a special interest for the last investigations on this field.

In this first notice, it is proposed an open call for papers for various thematic lines which cover wide fields of study, with the aim of including different disciplines and points of view. The thematic lines which we propose are:

  • Comic language: formal, expresive and narrative resources analysis.
  • History through comic: biography, memories, autobiography, cultural studies.
  • Publishing market: Comic as industry, business aspects. Works, authors, series and distribution.
  • Comic History: authors, trends and critical reception. With a special interest on historial periods which create a rupture, as late Francoism or Spanish Transition.
  • Comic in public sphere and social studies: genre studies, social movements, activism.
  • Education and comic: comic as didactic resource in the classroom, integration projects and educational innovation.
  • Comic and Journalism: graphic humour, chronicles, testimonies.
  • Comic, audiovisual and other arts: intertextual and transmedia relationships.

Paper abstracts, 500 words maximun, can be sent in Spanish or English until January the 9th of 2017. Author’s whole name, institucional affiliation, e-mail and phone number must be included, besides a brief curriculum vitae, 100 word maximum.

Depending on the accepted proposals, definitive Panels-Workshops will be configured, whose information will be published in a second notice in January of 2017.

Organizing Committee:

Ana Asión (Universidad de Zaragoza), Julio Andrés Gracia (Universidad de Zaragoza), Elena Masarah (Universidad de Zaragoza) y Gerardo Vilches (UNED / Universidad Europea de Madrid).

Scientific Committee:

María Abellán (Investigadora independiente), David Almazán (Universidad de Zaragoza), Antonio Altarriba (UPV/EHU), Sergio Arredondo Garrido (Escuela de Arte de Granada), Roberto Bartual (Universidad Europea de Madrid), Octavio Beares (Investigador independiente), Alberto Castán (Universidad de Zaragoza), Irene Costa (UPV/EHU), Raquel Crisóstomo (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Pablo Dopico (Universidad de Puerto Rico), Cristina Giménez (Universidad de Zaragoza), Óscar Gual (Universitat de València), Francisco Javier Lázaro (Universidad de Zaragoza), Concha Lomba (Universidad de Zaragoza), Amparo Martínez (Universidad de Zaragoza), Elisa García McCausland (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Pepo Pérez (Juan Carlos Pérez García, Universidad de Málaga), Álvaro M. Pons (Universitat de València), Ivan Rodrigues (Universidade Federal de São Paulo), Juan Royo Abenia (Universidad de Zaragoza), Francisco Manuel Sáez de Adana Herrero (Universidad de Alcalá), Fernando Sanz (Universidad de Zaragoza), Pablo Turnes (Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET), Rubén Varillas (Universidad de Salamanca)



Facebook: Congreso Internacional de Estudios Interdisciplinares sobre cómic

Twitter: @ComicZgz


Paper: €35

Assistant: €10

Attendant Certificate will be issued only if attendant is more than 75% of congress sessions.


January the 9th. Deadline to send abstracts (500 words maximun), in Spanish or English.

January. Publishing of accepted papers. Publishing of the second notice with complete information about papers sending and Congress registration.

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