Michigan State University Main Library
February 21 - 22, 2020
The Michigan State University Comics Forum – http://www.comicsforum.msu.edu – is an annual academic conference that brings together scholars, creators, and fans in order to explore and celebrate the medium of comics, graphic storytelling, and sequential art. In its thirteenth year, the Comics Forum is scheduled to take place February 21st-22nd, 2020 at the Michigan State University Main Library, which houses the world’s largest public collection of comic books.
This year’s event will feature keynote addresses from Nick Sousanis and Emil Ferris.
Friday, February 21st will feature selected roundtable from the MSU Graphic Narrative Network and MSU Library Collection as Data Project. Our Creator Keynote address will be on that evening at 7:00 pm in the MSU Library. Saturday, February 22nd, the Comics Forum will feature scholarly presentations in a variety of formats as well as our Scholar Keynote Address by Nick Sousanis. Concurrent with the academic panels will be our artists’ alley.
The MSU Comics Forum welcomes papers and panels that encourages original and innovative consideration of comic scholarship. Submissions from a broad range of disciplines are encouraged; however, presentations must be focused on the medium of comics. The Forum is especially interested in papers and panels that are concerned with African-Americans, Native Americans, and indigenous representation in comics, critical librarianship and archiving in comics. The MSU Comics Forum seeks a multitude of perspectives and welcomes proposals that expand social, literary, artistic, and theoretical contexts about comics.
Individual submissions require a 250-word (maximum) abstract of the topic as well as name and affiliation. Panel sessions require one 200-word abstract for the overarching topic and a unique abstract for each presenter’s specific topic, including name and affiliation. Roundtable proposals should include a 250-word abstract that includes an explanation of the topic and the names and affiliations of the participants.
Due to the visual nature of the comics medium and diverse community engagement in the Forum, we ask that all presentations integrate visual content. Panel presentations should be .ppt, slides, .pdf, or.presi, and on USB or accessible online
We seek proposals for presentations, which may include but are not limited to:
Individual submissions
- Each presenter will have a maximum of 20 minutes to discuss his/her topic along with 5 minutes for questions
- Presenters will be grouped with other participants into a panel
Panel Sessions
- Will run for 1 hour and 15 minutes
- Must include at least 3 presenters
- Presenters must discuss similar or connected topics
- Those proposing a panel are responsible for finding their own panel session members
- Will run for 1 hour and 15 minutes
- Must include at least 3 participants
- Presenters must discuss one specific topic
- Those proposing a roundtable are responsible for finding their own session members
Please submit proposals via the website at http://www.comicsforum.msu.edu/forms/ by Monday, September 30, 2019.