Members Bibliography 2020 & 2021

To provide an overview of our members’ research, we compile an annual bibliography of monographs and edited volumes by ComFor members. As this is the first time we publish it, also some titles from the previous year are included.

Are you interested in reviewing any of these books? Write an email to and we will forward information on review copies to you. Reviews can be published as guest contribution under the respective reviewer’s name on our website, also those written by non-members!

Ahrens, Jörn (Hg.). Der Comic als Form: Bildsprache, Ästhetik, Narration. Ch. A. Bachmann, 2021.

Domsch, Sebastian, Dan Hassler-Forest und Dirk Vanderbeke (Hgs.). Handbook of Comics and Graphic Narratives. De Gruyter, 2021.

Eckhoff-Heindl, Nina, und Véronique Sina (Hgs.) Spaces Between: Gender, Diversity and Identity in Comics. Springer VS, 2020.

Etter, Lukas. Distinctive Styles and Authorship in Alternative Comics. De Gruyter, 2021.

Frahm, Ole, Hans-Joachim Hahn, Markus Streb (Hgs.). Beyond MAUS. The Legacy of Holocaust Comics. Böhlau 2021.

Giesa, Felix und Anna Stemmann (Hgs.). Comics & Archive. Ch. A. Bachmann, 2021.

Giesa, Felix, Markus Engelns und Ulrike Preußner (Hgs.). Comics in der Schule: Theorie und Unterrichtspraxis. Ch. A. Bachmann, 2021.

Grünewald, Dietrich. Abstrakt? Abstrakt! Abstraktion und Bildgeschichte. Ch. A. Bachmann, 2021.

Gundermann, Christine (Hg.). Zwischenräume: Geschlecht und Diversität in Comics. Ch. A. Bachmann, 2021.

Hausmanninger, Thomas. Religion als Kultur: Das Judentum und die jüdische Identität bei Joann Sfar. Ch. A. Bachmann, 2021.

Kupczyńska, Kalina, und Renata Makarska. Handbuch Polnische Comickulturen nach 1989. Ch. A. Bachmann, 2021.

Oppolzer, Markus. Reading Autobiographical Comics: A Framework for Educational Settings. Peter Lang, 2020. Open Access.

Palandt, Ralf (Hg.). Anne Frank im Comic. C.A. Bachmann, 2021.

Pohl-Otto, Karoline. Comics in Schule und Religionsunterricht: Vielfalt adressieren, Kompetenzen fördern, Unterricht verbessern. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021.

Rauscher, Andreas, Daniel Stein, und Jan-Noël Thon (Hgs.). Comics and Videogames: From Hybrid Medialities to Transmedia Expansions. Routledge, 2021.

Stein, Daniel. Authorizing Superhero Comics: On the Evolution of a Popular Serial Genre. Ohio State University Press, 2021.