The anthology “Familie und Comic: Kritische Perspektiven auf soziale Mikrostrukturen in grafischen Narrationen” (Family and Comics: Critical Perspectives on Social Microstructures in Graphic Narratives), edited by ComFor members Barbara Margarethe Eggert and Kalina Kupczyńska as well as Véronique Sina, has just been published in print and e-book versions. It contains ten academic essays, also with strong ComFor participation, as well as a comic and various interviews with comic creators and artists. The e-book version should be available via university access.
The volume was produced in the context of the AG Comicforschung and marks the opening of the interdisciplinary publication series “Comic Studies”, which is jointly edited by Juliane Blank, Irmela Krüger-Fürhoff, and Véronique Sina at de Gruyter Verlag:
“As a pop-cultural medium, comics in particular present multifaceted perspectives on contemporary and historical concepts and metaphors of family. The interdisciplinary chapters in this publication critically reflect upon the media-specific, narrative (production) aesthetic, and/or pedagogical potentials and functions comics have to de/construct un/usual concepts of family and family structures in text and image.”