Hybrid lecture series “Learning about the Shoah through Narrative Art and Visual Storytelling”

2024 10 08 18-20 Uhr - 2025 01 28

In the winter semester starting next week, Daniel Stein is organizing a lecture series in Siegen together with Jens Aspelmeier and Jana Mikota on the topic of “Learning about the Shoah through Narrative Art and Visual Storytelling – Transnational Remembrance in Graphic Literature”. It will focus on comics and graphic literature, but also on children’s books. Other ComFor members such as Ole Frahm and Ralf Palandt will also be giving talks. All sessions take place on Tuesdays from 6-8 pm. If you are interested in attending individual sessions or the entire lecture series digitally, you are highly welcome to do so by registering through e-mail at mikota (ät) germanistik.uni-siegen.de.

To the lecture series page