CfP: Indigenous Media and Cultural Policy

The International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics (MCP)
Stichtag: 30. Mai 2014

The International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics (MCP) seeks papers for a themed issue on Indigenous Film and Media. Papers should address any aspect of Indigenous, Aboriginal, First Nations, Maori, Sami, etc. film, media, and popular cultures.

MCP is committed to analyzing the politics of communication(s) and popular cultural processes. It addresses cultural politics in their local, international and global dimensions, recognizing equally the importance of issues defined by their specific cultural geography and those which run across cultures, nations, and nation-states. Consequently, this themed volume welcomes comparative research across media and/or Indigenous ethnicities and cultures. In particular, the volume highly encourages comparative papers between Indigenous and, say, Asian, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, and African film, media, and popular cultures.

Topics might address, but are not in any way limited to the following:

  • Film
  • Television
  • New Media
  • Video Games, Blogging, YouTube
  • Advertising
  • Fashion
  • Sports
  • Popular Literature
  • Comic books, Graphic novels, and Cartoons
  • Radio shows
  • Folklore
  • Museums
  • Theater, Festivals, Spectacles, and Ceremonies
  • Music
  • Visual art

MCP invites interested contributors to send (4,000-8,000 word) essays, short commentaries (2,500-3,000), and book reviews (1,000-2,500) on Indigenous film, new media, social media, and popular cultural politics to the Guest Editor at the following address: on or before May 30th. Contributors should also include brief biographical notes of approximately 200 words.

Anthony Adah
Associate Professor, Cinema Arts & Digital Technologies
Minnesota State University, Moorhead
1104 7th Avenue South, Moorhead, MN 56563
Phone: 218-477-4626
Fax: 218-477-4612
journal website

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