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Call for Nominations: Martin Schüwer Publication Prize 2025

Martin Schüwer Publication Prize for Excellence in Comics Studies

Call for Nominations:

Annual award for the best article by an early-career scholar, organized by the German Society for Comics Studies (ComFor) and the Committee for Comics Studies at the German Society for Media Studies (GfM)

The German Society for Comics Studies (ComFor) and the Committee for Comics Studies at the German Society for Media Studies (GfM) are announcing for the seventh time in 2025 the Martin Schüwer Publication Prize for Excellence in Comics Studies. The prize has been awarded annually since 2019. It supports scholars who, regardless of their actual age, do not yet hold a permanent academic position. By honoring outstanding publications in the field of interdisciplinary comics research, the award aims to create more visibility for comics-related research, promoting and communicating its importance to a wider public.

The prize is named after the late Martin Schüwer, a scholar of English Literature and Culture who specialized in comics studies and who, very unfortunately, died at a far too early age in 2013. His dissertation Wie Comics erzählen (2008), published 17 years ago, has unfolded new grounds for narratological comics research and has become a standard work in German-language comics studies. With this and his other works on comics as well as on the didactics of English literature, Martin Schüwer set valuable standards regarding the excellence, accessibility and range that publications in our fields can achieve. Both as a comics researcher and as a person, Schüwer had a distinct way of talking to people, characterized by his open-mindedness and a genuine interest in others. Talking to and with others, he aimed to advance comics studies. We dedicate the award to him and this very goal.

Submissions and Nominations:

Accepted for nomination are published articles of chapter length. They may have appeared in anthologies or journals, as chapters, or within longer monographs, but also as essays and other text forms of similar length. The submitted and nominated texts may have been written by one or more authors. All authors must not hold a permanent academic position at the time of nomination.

Contributions nominated for the Martin Schüwer Prize 2025 must be published in German or English between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2024. Texts yet in print or only accepted for publication cannot be considered. Repeat submissions are not possible. Also excluded are complete monographs and unpublished qualifying publications. The editorship of anthologies or journal issues is not eligible for nomination, but individual contributions in these collections are.

Nominations are to include the recommended text as well as a short substantiation (300–500 words). Self-nominations are possible and welcome, but the jury would also particularly like to call for third-party nominations of impressive texts. Deadline for all submissions is April 30, 2025. Please send your nominations as one complete PDF to

Prize and Award Ceremony:

The official announcement of the award winner will take place during the annual conference of the German Society for Media Studies (September 16–19, 2025, University of Paderborn). The award ceremony with an invited lecture by the award winner will take place at the annual conference of the German Society for Comic Studies (October 08–10, 2025, University of Hamburg). The laureate will also receive the prize money of 700 €, will not have to pay the membership fee of the German Society for Media Studies (GfM) for one year and will become an honorary member of ComFor for life.

Call for Nominations as Pdf

“Der Comic und das Populäre” – New ComFor-Conference Proceedings Published!

Der Comic und das Populäre
Der Comic und das Populäre
Rolf Lohse and Joachim Trinkwitz (eds.)
Christian A. Bachmann Verlag
January 2025
360 pages
ISBN 978-3-96234-090-2

A new edited collection has just been published by Christian A. Bachmann, which ComFor has been looking forward to for a long time. It goes back to the 12th ComFor annual conference in Bonn and brings together not less than 14 essays reflecting the difficult tensions between comics and their popularity.

»Der Comic und das Populäre« klingt für viele Menschen nach dem berühmten ›weißen Schimmel‹. Doch das Verhältnis der Kunstform zu der ihr quasi angeborenen Popularität hat sich im Lauf ihrer Geschichte als spannungsvoll erwiesen. Die Kritik kultureller Institutionen und tonangebender Kreise stieß sich immer wieder auch an der immensen Popularität des Comics. Zum Teil wird das Medium noch heute als minderwärtig betrachtet und ihm eine problematische Wirkungen unterstellt. Erst vor einigen Jahren wurde er als Graphic Novel gesellschaftsfähig, allerdings unter weitgehender Ausschluss seiner populären Anteile. Inwieweit prägt das spannungsgeladene Verhältnis des Comics zwischen high und low nach wie vor seinen Platz in Kultur und Gesellschaft? 14 Aufsätze belichten unterschiedliche Aspekte dieser grundlegenden Fragestellung.”

Table of Content:

Joachim Trinkwitz und Rolf Lohse:
Der Comic und das Populäre – einführende Überlegungen

Jörn Ahrens:
Der Comic ist das Populäre
Zur populärkulturellen Gestalt eines Mediums der Massenkultur

Ole Frahm:
Proletarität statt Popularität
Eine kleine Kritik der Rede über Comics

Mario Zehe:
Das Popula(e)re und das Signifikante
Der Comic als Antwort auf die Krise liberaler Erzählungen?

Joachim Trinkwitz:
»Auteur«-Serien im Comic
Prestigeprobleme eines populären Erzählverfahrens

Daniel Stein:
Batmans queere Popularität
Eine serienpolitische Dialektik

Véronique Sina:
»Comickeit is Jüdischkeit«
Populärkultur, Performativität und kulturelle jüdische Identität(en) in den Comics von Aline Kominsky-Crumb, Harvey Pekar und Art Spiegelman

Lukas R.A. Wilde:
Diesseits und jenseits der Diegese
Populäre, partizipatorische und transfiktionale Facetten der gezeichneten Figur

Dietrich Grünewald:
Comics zitieren Kunstwerke

Rolf Lohse:
Museum und Magie
Das Populäre des Comics und die Kommunikationsstrategie des Louvre

Kirsten von Hagen:
Tintin und die Recherche
Von der Ligne Claire Hergés zu den synästhetischen Traumsequenzen bei Heuet

Markus Oppolzer:
Der Fluch der Graphic Novel
Ein kritischer Blick aus (sprach)didaktischer Sicht

Daniela Kaufmann:
»A Study in Black and White«
Die Signifikanz der Farben »Schwarz« und »Weiß« in Cartoons und Comics von George Herriman

Zita Hüsing:
Being and Nature
The Significance of the Southern Space of the Swamp in Alan Moore’s The Saga of the Swamp Thing

The volume can be ordered from Christian A. Bachmann Verlag or by e-mail to for EUR 39.90


The ComFor editorial board regrets the lack of diversity in this publication. We endeavour to cover the entire spectrum of comics studies, report in a neutral way and keep the editorial selection process to a minimum. But we are also aware of the problematic structures that shape our academic research environment and that frequently lead to a lower visibility of female comics scholars as well as those with marginalised identities in general. We know that this imbalance is often not intended by the editors / organisers and we do not want to imply this in any way. But nonetheless, we would like to draw attention to it to raise awareness for this problem..