Editor: Norma Jones
The Popular Culture Studies Journal is an academic, peer-reviewed, refereed journal for scholars, academics, and students from the many disciplines that study popular culture. The journal serves the MPCA/ACA membership, as well as scholars globally who recognize and support its mission based on expanding the way we view popular culture as a fundamental component within the contemporary world.
Popular culture is at the heart of democratic citizenship. It serves as an engine driving technology, innovation, and information, as well as a methodological lens employed by the many fields that examine culture, often from an interdisciplinary perspective. Managed by The Midwest Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association (MPCA/ACA), The Popular Culture Studies Journal is an academic, refereed journal for scholars, academics, and students from the many disciplines that study America and American culture. The journal serves its membership and scholars globally who recognize and support its mission based on expanding the way we view popular culture as a fundamental component within the contemporary world.
Topics covered:
- Film
- Music
- Television
- Sports
- Celebrity Culture
- Technology
- Literature
- Comics/Cartoons/Graphic Novels
However, many scholars approach these topics from an interdisciplinary perspective, which adds significant value over single-issue or more focused/specialized journals.
All contributions to The Popular Culture Studies Journal will be forwarded to members of the Editorial Board or other reviewers for comment. Manuscripts must not be previously published, nor should they be submitted for publication elsewhere while being reviewed by The Popular Culture Studies Journal’s Editorial Board.
Please see http://mpcaaca.org/the-popular-culture-studies-journal/ for more details.
We are also planning special issues centered on topics such as Women of Color and Asian/Americans in popular culture. Bookmark http://mpcaaca.org/the-popular-culture-studies-journal/ for updates!
Contact Info: Norma Jones (Editor), pcsj@mpcaaca.org