Program of the 12th Annual ComFor Conference in Bonn: “Comics and their Popularity”

2017 12 01 - 2017 12 03

The University of Bonn warmly invites to the 12th annual research conference of the German Society for Comics Studies (ComFor) from December 1 to 3, 2017: “Comics and their Popularity”. It is organized by Joachim Trinkwitz and Rolf Lohse.

Visitors are kindly requested to register at The conference fee will be 30 € for guests (ComFor-members pay a reduced fee of 20€ and students 10 €). Please transfer to:

Universitätskasse Bonn
Sparkasse KölnBonn
IBAN: DE08 3705 0198 0000 0576 95
Important notice: Please always include the follwing:
61 117 / 282 11 / PN 73125016

Short invitation:

“Comics might currently seem to show some ambivalence towards their own popularity. On the one hand, multitudes have access to these media that provide entertainment and, increasingly, information. On the other hand, it is their very popularity that has in the past given rise to popular suspicions against comics. It is no later than in the 1950s that parents and pedagogues all over the world begin to fear that comics might lead children and teenagers astray, prompting them to limit access, which has in turn constrained the formal and topical development of the art form. At the same time, rendering comics as harmless entertainment for kids attracted criticism of immaturity, excluding it from the canonical reading for self-defined members of the educated classes. In the 1970s, the art form could thus be rediscovered as a subversive mode of expression. The attempt to use the term ‘graphic novel’ as a vehicle to approach new audiences was again met with ambivalence: While the traditional fan scene, often wary of outsiders, saw its identity and large parts of its reading conventions at risk, publishers, reviewers and book sellers saw an opportunity to gain new readership and popularity. For some parts of academia, it was only then that comics became an object of cultural research. It is these dialectics of exclusions and inclusions, access and constraint, that the conference on Comics and their Popularity at Bonn University will discuss. ”

Full Program:

Friday, 1st of December 2017

Prelude: Open Workshops
14:00 Zita Hüsing (Bonn): Being and Nature – The Significance of the Southern Space of the Swamp in Alan Moore’s The Saga of the Swamp Thing
14:30 Rafał Jakiel (Wrocław): Batwing, Batflügel oder Flügel-Bat – Die onimischen Einheiten im Comic
15:00 Daniela Kaufmann (Graz): “A Study in Black and White” – Zur Signifikanz der Farben ›Schwarz‹ und ›Weiß‹ im Comic
15:30 Elisabeth Krieber (Salzburg): Subversive Female Performances in Visual Media – Phoebe Gloeckner’s und Alison Bechdel’s Graphic Narratives
16:00 Coffee break
16:15 Karoline M. Pohl (Göttingen): “Mind the Gap” – Grundlagenforschung für eine allgemeine Didaktik der Sequenziellen Kunst
16:45 Sakshi Wason (Delhi): Regarding Two Ruptures – The Emergency (1975–77) and the Partition (1947) of India
17:15 Coffee break
Section 1: Identity Practices (I)
18:20 Véronique Sina (Bochum): “Comickeit is Jüdischkeit” – Über das diskursive Zusammenspiel von Comic, Populärkultur und jüdischer Identität
19:00 Pnina Rosenberg (Haifa): Mickey au camp de Gurs – Political criticism and auto censorship in comics done during the Holocaust
Keynote I
20:00 Julia Round (Bournemouth): Canon or Common? Sandman, Aesthetics and Literariness


Saturday, 2nd of December 2017

Section 1: Identity Practices (II)
09:00 Daniel Stein (Siegen): Batmans queere Popularität – Ein comicwissenschaftlicher und kulturhistorischer Annäherungsversuch
09:40 Laura Antola (Turku): Marvel’s Comics in Finland – Translation, “Mail-Man” and the popularity of superheroes
10:20 Kaffeepause
Section 2: Political and Ideological Aspects 
11:00 Andreas Heimann (Wiesbaden): Populismus im Populären. Über die Mechanismen der umgekehrten Subversion von Comics
11:40 Mario Zehe (Leipzig): Das Popula(e)re und das Signifikante. Der Comic als Antwort auf die Krise liberaler Erzählungen?
12:20 Stephan Packard (Köln): President Lex Luthor, Wakanda und der osteuropäische Schwarzwald. Zur populären Ideologie der Fiktionalität in Comics
13:00 Lunch break
Section 3: Gestures of Legitimacy
15:00 David Turgay (Landau): Das Alternative im Populären – Eine korpusgestützte Analyse von Mainstream-Comics
15:40 Markus Oppolzer (Salzburg): Der Fluch der Graphic Novel aus (hochschul)didaktischer Sicht
16:20 Dietrich Grünewald (Reiskirchen): Grenzgänger. Comics und Bildende Kunst
 17:00 Coffee break
 17:40  Christian A. Bachmann (Bochum): “Slippers and music are very different things”, oder: von high key zu low key. Zur Darstellung populärer Musik in Bildergeschichten des 19. und Comics des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts
 18:20  Kirsten von Hagen (Gießen): Tintin und die Recherche – Von der ›ligne claire‹ Hergés zu den synästhetischen Traumsequenzen bei Heuet
Keynote II
20:00 Martin Lund (Växjo/New York): Jack T. Chick, a Popular Propagandist


Sunday, 3rd of December 2017

Section 4: Facets of Authorship
09:00 Michael Wetzel (Bonn): “Graphic Auteurism” – Von Kreativität und Copyright im Comic
09:40 Joachim Trinkwitz (Bonn): Auteur-Serien im Comic
10:20 Lukas R.A. Wilde (Tübingen): Public Domain Superheroes, Jenny Everywhere und dōjinshi. Die Comic- und Manga-Figur als meta-narrativer Knotenpunkt der Partizipationskultur
11:00 Coffee break
Section 5: The Popularity of Comics
11:40 Jörn Ahrens (Gießen): Der Comic ist das Populäre. Zur populärkulturellen Gestalt eines Mediums der Massenkultur
12:20 Ole Frahm (Frankfurt/M.): Proletarität statt Popularität. Eine Kritik der Rede über Comics
13:00 Final Discussion


Read all the abstracts (PDF)

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