Journal Monitor 15: New Publications on Comic Books

The Journal Monitor is a subcategory of the regular Monitor. It is an irregularly published overview of issues of international journals on comics studies as well as special issues on corresponding topics. The introductory texts and/or tables of contents come from the respective websites.
Do you have suggestions or information on new releases that have been overlooked and should be introduced on our website? Please let us know via email:
See previous Monitor posts.

European Comic Art  15.2

online, subscription

    • “Introduction:Counter-Narratives, Retellings and Redrawings”
    • Monalesia Earle, Joe Sutliff Sanders: “Misdirection, Displacement and the Nisse in Hilda and the Black Hound
    •  Cara Takakjian: “An Amalgam of Voices: A Prismatic Approach to Memory and History in Gipi’s Graphic Novels”
    • Benjamin Fraser: “The Poetry of Snails: The Shown, the Intervened and the Signified in Duelo de caracoles (2010) by Sonia Pulido and Pere Joan”
    • Robert Aman: “Ridiculous Empire: Satire and European Colonialism in the Comics of Olivier Schrauwen”
    • Armelle Blin-Rolland: “Towards an Ecographics: Ecological Storylines in Bande Dessinée”


Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society  6.2

online, subscription

  • Alexandra Chiasson: “Zooming in on Ben Passmore”
  • Sylvain Lesage, Margaret C. Flinn: “Barbarella: Sexual Revolution or Editorial Revolution?”
  • John A. Walsh: “‘It Was as Much Ours …’: Reader Contributions to Teen Humor Fashion Comics”
  • Natsume Fusanosuke, Jon Holt, Teppei Fukuda: “From the Field: Why Is Manga So Interesting?”
  • Ritesh Babu: “Civilized Monsters: These Savage Shores and the Colonialist Cage”


Journal of Perpetrator Research  4.2

Special Issue: “Perpetrators in Comics”

online, open access

  • Laurike in ‘t Veld: “Familial Complicity in Peter Pontiac’s Kraut, Nora Krug’s Belonging, and Serena Katt’s Sunday’s Child”
  • Tatiana Konrad: “The Legacy of American Slavery: Contesting Blackness and Re-envisioning Nationhood in Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation
  • Olga Michael: “Looking at the Perpetrator in Nina Bunjevac’s Fatherland
  • Johannes Schmid: “Cultural Genocide in Joe Sacco’s Paying the Land
  • Mihaela Precup, Dragoș Manea: “The Perpetrator as Punch-line: Hipster Hitler and the Ambiguity of Controversial Humor”
  • Laurike in ‘t Veld, Christine Gundermann, Kees Ribbens, Ewa Stańczyk: Roundtable on “World War II and Holocaust Comics, Perpetrators, and Education”


Imago: Zeitschrift für Kunstpädagogik  14

Special Issue: “Grafisches Erzählen”

print, subscription

  • Alexander Schneider/Carolin Führer: “Grafisches Erzählen”
  • Dietrich Grünewald: “Von der Kunst des Comics zur Kunst im Comic”
  • Stefanie Granzow: “Über, mit und durch Comics reden: Bild und Narration intersubjektiv aushandeln”
  • Bastian Haase: “Vom Panel zur Seitenarchitektur:Die Sonntagsseite als didaktisch-methodischer Impulsgeber”
  • Anne Krichel: “‘Und wir staunten und wir lachten, wie wir rückwärts Zeit verbrachten’:Retrogrades Erzählen im Comic Rückwärtsland
  • Nadia Bader: “Charakterdesign in Comics zwischen Einfachheit und Differenziertheit”
  • Jeanette Hoffmann, Caroline R. Wittig: “Zur Zeit- und Raumrezeption in szenischen Lesungen zu grafischen Geschichten”


Sane: Sequential Art Narrative in Education  2.7

online, open access

  • David Lucas Jr: “The Textual Gutter: How Gene Luen Yang Redefines the Gutter in Boxers & Saints to Tell a Transnational Tale”
  • Maribeth Nottingham, Barbara J. McClanahan, Howard Atkinson: “Evaluating a Suite of Strategies for Reading Graphic Novels: A Confirmatory Case Study”
  • James O. Barbre III, Justin Carroll, Joshua Tolbert: “Comic Literature and Graphic Novel Uses in History, Literature, Math, and Science”