Wir freuen uns, den kürzlich bei Bachmann erschienenen neunten Band der Reihe ‚Bildnarrative‘ ankündigen zu können: „Framing [in] Comics and Cartoons. Essays on Aesthetics, History, and Mediality“ – Herausgegeben von Christian A. Bachmann und Comfor-Mitglied Johannes C.P. Schmid versammelt der Band Beiträge von einer Vielzahl weiterer Comfor-Mitglieder:
Christina Meyer ist mit einem Beitrag zu Medial, Material,
and Aesthetic Frames/Framings vertreten, Lukas R.A. Wilde zu Framing 9/11 and the »War on Terror« in Editorial Cartoons; Astrid Böger mit »Things Are Different Now«: Re-Framing Australian Identity in Pat Grant’s Blue; Jeff Thoss setzt sich mit Intermedial Frames in Bryan Talbot’s Alice in Sunderland auseinander und Johannes C.P. Schmid mit Framing Documentary Comics.
Panels, grids, gutters, and pages—graphic narratives rests firmly on practices of setting apart and framing spaces. At the same time, frames—in the sense of cognitive categories as well as semiotic and material manifestations—form basic prerequisites of meaning-making. In contrast to virtually all other media in comics, frames represent not only general communicative aspects; they form its very basic grammar. The essays collected in this volume discuss some of these medial characteristics of comics and cartoons as materialized through their particular carrier media, and they investigate works that range from the inception of the form in the nineteenth century up until its most recent incarnations.
Übersicht über die Beiträge:
- Johannes C.P. SCHMID/Christian A. BACHMANN
Framing [in] Comics: A Preface - Christina MEYER
»Enclosures for Looking«? Medial, Material,
and Aesthetic Frames|Framings - Sebastian BARTOSCH
How To Not Freeze the Frames of Mediality:
Looking Back at Old Comic Books - Lukas R.A. WILDE
Falling in Line: Framing 9/11 and the »War on Terror« in Editorial Cartoons - Johannes C.P. SCHMID
Framing Documentary Comics: Considering Prologues - Astrid BÖGER
»Things Are Different Now«: Re-Framing Australian Identity in Pat Grant’s Blue - Roger SABIN
Framing pre-1914 British Comics - Christian A. BACHMANN
Panoptical Spaces: Cross-sections in Nineteenth-Century Visual Satire and Early Comics - Jeff Thoss
»Through the Proscenium Arch of the Comic Panel«: Intermedial Frames in Bryan Talbot’s Alice in Sunderland - Tobias YU-KIENER
Musée du Louvre: When the Picture Does Not Fit the Frame: Three Problems With the Graphic Novel Le Ciel au-dessus du Louvre - Monika SCHMITZ-EMANS
Museum Comics: Drawn Reflections on Images and Image-Spaces, Framings and Transgressions
Der Band kostet 28,99€; weitere Informationen sowie Bestellmöglichkeiten finden sich auf der Verlagsseite.