Zeitschriftenmonitor 10: Neue Ausgaben

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Zu früheren Monitoren

Inks – The Journal of the Comics Studies Society 4.3

online im Abonnement

  • Jocelyn Sakal Froese: „Lateral Moves and Ghostly Gay Children: Queer Spatial Metaphors in Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home
  • Dru Jeffries: „‚Bacon Tho‘: Richard Watts’ Vegan Sidekick Comics as Social Media Activism“
  • Marc Singer: „George Pérez and the Classical Narrative Style“
  • Lorraine York: „‚A Good Place Where to Be‘: Un-placing Mobilities in Julie Doucet’s My New York Diary
  • Shiamin Kwa: „‚Text Messages and Ghosts Are a JOY‘: A Conversation with Cartoonist Marnie Galloway“
  • Zoë Smith: „4 Colorism: The Ashiness of It All“


Studies in Comics 11.1

online im Abonnement

  • Christopher Murray, Golnar Nabizadeh: „Educational and public information comics, 1940s–present“
  • Lars Wallner, Katarina Eriksson Barajas: „Using comics and graphic novels in K-9 education: An integrative research review“
  • Helen Jones: „Caticorns and Derp Warz: Exploring children’s literacy worlds through the production of comics“
  • Sam Boer: „‚Maybe I’ll make something with it‘: Comics as alternative sex education“
  • Matt Reingold: „Studying anti-Semitism using primary sources in graphic novels“
  • Brianna Anderson: „Revolutionary paratext and critical pedagogy in Nathan Hale’s One Dead Spy
  • Dona Pursall: „Learning to be a lord, a friend, ‘a human’: Lord Snooty as a comic strip representation of John Macmurray’s philosophies of social and emotional learning“
  • Damon Herd, Divya Jindal-Snape, Christopher Murray, Megan Sinclair: „Comics Jam: Creating healthcare and science communication comics – A sprint co-design methodology“
  • Zak Waipara: „The Call to Adventure“
  • Nelly Rosario: „Life Beats of Dr Diana G., as Told to Nelly Rosario“


IJOCA – International Journal of Comic Art 22.1

Cultural Imperialism Strikes Back: A South American Symposium


  • Martín Alejandro Salinas, Sebastián Horacio Gago: „Cultural Imperialism Strikes Back: A South American Symposium“
  • Martin Alejandro Salinas: „One World, Many Batmen: From Cultural Imperialism to the Culture of the Empire“
  • Sebastian Gago: „‚What Does a Few Lives Matter?‘: Notes on Two Comic-book Invasions of Héctor Oesterheld(1974-1977)“
  • Ivan Lima Gomes: „Graphic Narratives, a Tool of Imperialism in South America? Deconstructing American Superheroes in Brazilian and Chilean Comics (1960-1970)“
  • Lucas R. Berone: „Writing the History of Comics: The Case of the Di Tella Biennial (Buenos Aires, 1968)“
  • Rodrigo Browne S., Rosmery-Ann Boegeholz C.: „Disney Academy: Donald Duck as the Western Imperialism Paradigm“
  • Ignacio Fernández Sarasola: „Toxic Reading Material: Techniques Used by Society and G overnments to Control Comic Books“
  • Jasleen Kandhari: „Graphic Narratives in Sikh Comics: Iconography and Religiosity as a Critical Art Historical Enquiry of the Sikh Comics Art Form“
  • Marty Branagan: „Tintin: From Violent, Communist-Hating Conservative to Radical Peacenik“
  • Levi Obonyo, Njoki Chege: „Lost in Modernity: Doodling in the Digital Age“
  • Robyn Johnson: „Sacrificing Healing: The Loss and Resilience of Yurok Healing in Chag Lowry and Rahsan Ekedal’s Soldiers Unknown“
  • Mirvat Mohamed, Kirsten Møllegaard: „This Land Is Whose Land? Voices of Belonging in Three First-Generation American Graphic Memoirs“
  • Chris Reyns-Chikuma: „Représentations de l’autre solitude dans quelques BD et comics canadiens dont l’histoire se passe à Montréal (Representations of the Other Solitude in Select Canadian Comics and BDs Which Take Place in Montréal)
  • Yan Chuanming, Xu Ying, John A. Lent: „Chinese Comic Art Museums and Centers“
  • Ahmed Baroody: „Anime and Gender Roles in Kuwaiti Islamic Culture: A Conflict of Cultural Values?“
  • Michal Chudolinski: „The Outdatedness of Superheroism? The Condition of the Superhero Myth: Past and Today“
  • Iwan Zahar, Toni Masdiono, John A. Lent: „Hans Jaladara, Creator of Indonesia’s Panji Tengkorak“
  • Iwan Zahar, Toni Masdiono: „Ganesh TH, the Author of Si Buta dari Goa Hantu: The Most Celebrated Comics of the Indonesian Comics Golden Age“
  • David Kunzle: „Nearly 50 Years Ago – An Early Glimpse of China’s Maoist Comics: A Review“
  • Jeffrey O. Segrave, John A. Cosgrove: „‚You’re a star if you can louse up 70% of the time‘: Sport in Jeff MacNelly’s Shoe
  • Jakob F. Dittmar: „Flexible Comics?: Sequential Images on Screen Media“
  • Jason D. DeHart: „A Transmedia Case Study: Batman — The Animated Series“


SANE journal – Sequential Art Narrative in Education 2.5

online, open access

  • David Lewkowich, Michelle Miller Stafford: „‚Because like – and so I don’t – so I think it’s maybe, I don’t know‘: Performing traumatic effects while reading Lynda Barry’s The Freddie Stories