Vom 03. bis 07. Juli 2023 findet vor Ort an der University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, sowie online die International Graphic Novel and Comics Conference (IGNCC) statt. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Kollaboration der International Bande Dessinée Society und der International Graphic Novel and Comics Conference. Unter dem Thema „Better Living Through Comics“ widmet sich diese Konferenz der Frage, welche Rolle Comics eigentlich in unserem Wohlergehen spielen.
Aus dem Ankündigungstext:
„Do comics have a role to play in wellbeing?
We find ourselves reeling from a prolonged global period of illness and nervous about a future threatened by climate change. In this moment, we find ourselves prioritizing that which makes us happy, healthy, strong, and connected to one another—and reflecting on those phenomena that can impede these goals.
What role do comics play in literacy, science education, joy, community building, sexual discovery, hobbies, entrepreneurship, religion, citizenship, self-expression, and all the other aspects of good living around the world? What role do they play in the prevention of these same vital aspects of living well?“