Published by the Literary and Cultural Studies Graduate Research Program
Monash University
The organisers of the (Un)Ethical Futures conference (Melbourne, 15–17 December 2017) invite contributions for a special themed issue of Colloquy: Text, Theory, Critique and an edited essay collection, provisionally titled (Un)Ethical Futures: Utopia, Dystopia and Science Fiction. Deadline for submissions: 30 April 2018.
We are interested in submissions that explore the ethical dimensions of utopia, dystopia and science fiction (sf). This focus on ethics allows for a range of topics, including environmental ethics and climate change, human bioethics, animal ethics, the ethical use of technology, ethics of alterity and otherness, as well as related issues of social justice. We welcome submissions that bring these ethical considerations into dialogue with speculative fiction across different genres and modes, from sf about the near or distant future, to alternative histories about better or worse presents, to stories about utopian or dystopian societies. Possible areas of engagement include, but are not limited to:
- Environmental ethics in speculative climate fiction (“cli-fi”)
- The treatment or representation of animals, artificial intelligence, aliens or other posthuman or non-human entities in utopia, dystopia and sf
- Utopian and dystopian dimensions of Indigenous literatures and traditions
- Postcolonial and critical race theory studies of utopia, dystopia and sf
- The ethics of alterity and ethical responses to otherness in speculative fiction
- Politics, activism, social justice and ethics in sf and its fan communities
- Bioethical issues in sf, including biopunk and cyberpunk subgenres
- Feminist and queer theory engagement with utopia, dystopia and sf
- Philosophy, ethics and the utopian impulse
Colloquy is an open access, peer-reviewed journal published by the Literary and Cultural Studies Graduate Research Program at Monash University. We publish scholarly work and creative writing from emerging and established researchers in literary and cultural studies, critical theory, continental philosophy, film and television studies, communications and media studies, and performance studies.
The Colloquy special issue, to be published in December 2018, will be edited by postgraduate students from Monash University and the University of Warwick: Zachary Kendal, Susannah Heffernan, Joshua Bulleid, JungJu Shin, Mia Goodwin and Sean Mulcahy.
Research articles should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words. Referencing should adhere to Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition with endnotes only. Creative writing submissions should not exceed 4,000 words of prose, 80 lines of poetry, or eight pages of graphic narrative. Guidelines for translations, review essays, and book reviews, can be found at the website below.
All submissions are due by 30 April 2018. Prior to submission, please read the Colloquy policies and full submission guidelines at
The (Un)Ethical Futures: Utopia, Dystopia and Science Fiction essay collection will be edited by Andrew Milner, Zachary Kendal, Aisling Smith and Giulia Champion. The collection will adopt a global, comparative approach and the editors encourage submissions exploring both Anglophone and non-Anglophone literature, film, television and other media. Submissions should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words. Referencing should adhere to Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition with endnotes and bibliography. Full chapter submissions are due by 30 April 2018, although interested contributors are encouraged to send 300–400 word abstracts to the editors by 1 March 2018, if they would like their topic reviewed for suitability for the more limited scope of the edited collection.
For essay and article submissions, you may request they be considered only for the Colloquy special issue or the (Un)Ethical Futures collection, although the editors recommend allowing consideration for both, to ensure the best chance of acceptance (pending peer review).
The following information should accompany your submission:
- Author’s title, name, affiliation and position
- A curriculum vitae and a brief biography (up to 100 words)
- For essays and articles, an abstract (up to 150 words) and up to ten keywords
- Permissions for any images used
- Copies of any relevant ethics clearances and disclosure of funding
- An acknowledgement that the work is not under simultaneous consideration elsewhere
Please direct all submissions and enquiries to