Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) and FMX 2020
Venue: Literaturhaus Stuttgart,
May 6, 2020
Venue: Literaturhaus Stuttgart,
May 6, 2020
Stichtag: 23.03.2020
This one-day symposium welcomes papers, which negotiate the topic of diversity in animation, games, comics and illustration. We intend to embrace academic and practice-based presentations from diverse angles. The examples below just provide some examples of possible topics but are by no means intended to be limiting in terms of thematic scope.
The symposium invites abstracts for 20-minute presentations and welcomes proposals on all aspects of diversity in animation/film, games, comics (graphic novels) and illustration. Proposals, which relate to the symposium topic will be preferred.
To encourage a high number of quality submissions we also welcome proposals that negotiate the conference topic in a wider sense. We are looking at the idea of diversity from many different possible angles, topics can include, but are not limited to:
* Papers that address the topic of diversity (in a wider sense) in animation, games, comics or illustration in general
* Gender studies
* Transcultural studies
* Interdisciplinary research collaborations
* Diversity in practice-led and practice-based research
* Diversity in production practice, e.g. production in multi-cultural teams.
* Diversity investigated from the perspective of animation, games, comics or illustration studies.
Please e-mail abstracts of 350 words maximum (excluding title) to the attention of the conference review committee at:
Abstracts should include your name, affiliation, e-mail address, and the title of your proposed paper. Please take care that you also submit send a second anonymized version of the abstract for peer review. Please do also provide a short CV, with a maximum of 300 words as a separate document.
The deadline for submissions is Monday, March 23, 2020. Authors of accepted papers will be notified in the week from April 6 or earlier.
Remember that this is entirely free for speakers and attendants, if you are accredited by the festival (ITFS) or FMX.
Otherwise only 15,- Euro conference fee.
Find the complete call and more info here: