Wie im vergangenen Sommersemester sammeln und archivieren wir alle comicrelevanten Lehrveranstaltungen im deutschsprachigen Raum. Wir freuen uns, dass auch in diesem – nun vierten – Hybrid-Semester wieder zahlreiche comicrelavante Veranstaltungen zu vermelden sind.
Wir danken allen unseren Mitgliedern und Interessierten für Hinweise auf die folgenden Lehrveranstaltungen. Sie sind alphabetisch nach ihrem jeweiligen Ausrichtungsort angeordnet. Wir ergänzen sie laufend. Es lohnt sich also immer wieder vorbeizuschauen!
Wenn Sie noch einen Kurshinweis ergänzen möchten, schreiben Sie bitte eine E-Mail mit allen relevanten Daten an die Webredaktion: redaktion@comicgesellschaft.de. Wir wünschen ein erfolgreiches Sommersemester!
Universität/Hochschule | Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau |
Name der/des Dozierenden | Dr. habil. Achim Hescher |
Titel der Lehrveranstaltung | Reading Graphic Novels |
Art der Lehrveranstaltung | B.Ed.-Seminar |
Fachliche Anbindung | Cultural Studies |
Universität/Hochschule | Universität Siegen |
Name der/des Dozierenden | Ioanna Papaki M.A. |
Titel der Lehrveranstaltung | Graphic Novels in Context |
Art der Lehrveranstaltung | Seminar |
Fachliche Anbindung | Anglistik/Amerikanistik |
Kursbeschreibung | So, what are graphic novels…? Since its invention, the term has been controversial among scholars and artists. Politics, history, autobiography, religion, medicine, superheroes, horror and literary adaptations are only some of the topics graphic novels have addressed. Indeed, today graphic novels are considered by many to be the most flourishing form of contemporary comics and to epitomize the most popular type of visual culture. This course is intended to provide an overview of the graphic novel’s evolution, exploring its various subgenres and diversity of styles (e.g. silent comics). We will study the specific circumstances that led to its development (e.g. underground comix, ideologies, and publishing arrangements) and examine a broad range of Anglophone graphic narratives (such as Maus, Persepolis, Fun Home, Cancer Vixen, Logicomix). The course’s objectives are therefore manifold: you will familiarize yourself with the graphic novels’ cultural and historical contexts, learn about various interpretative concepts, themes, and theories of graphic narration, and experience the most important historical moments of the twentieth and twenty-first century as they are depicted in words and images |
Universität/Hochschule | Universität Siegen |
Name der/des Dozierenden | Prof. Dr. Daniel Stein |
Titel der Lehrveranstaltung | Intertextuelle und intermediale Verflechtungen. Literatur im Comic |
Art der Lehrveranstaltung | BA Seminar |
Fachliche Anbindung | Amerikanistik |
Kursbeschreibung | Since the landmark publication of Tom Feelings’s The Middle Passage: White Ships, Black Cargo (1995), African American creators have produced a substantial number of insightful and provocative graphic narratives about a wide range of persons and events from United Stares history. Among the most notable and influential works are Kyle Baker’s Nat Turner (2008), a biographical depiction of Nat Turner’s role in one of the deadliest slave rebellions of the antebellum era; John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell’s March trilogy (2013-2016), about Lewis’s role in the civil rights movement and the march from Selma to Montgomery; and Rebecca Hall and Hugo Martínez’s Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts (2021), a fantastic historical account of female revolutionary slaves. In this course, we will read and analyze these graphic narratives as significant contributions to what may be called Black Visual Culture. We will familiarize ourselves with the basic instruments of comics analysis and will also interrogate the visual culture that contextualizes the ways in which these works interact with and intervene in standard depictions of US history. |
Universität/Hochschule | Universität Tübingen |
Name der/des Dozierenden | Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anna Stemmann |
Titel der Lehrveranstaltung | Intertextuelle und intermediale Verflechtungen. Literatur im Comic |
Art der Lehrveranstaltung | Seminar, Präsenz |
Fachliche Anbindung | Germanistik |
Kursbeschreibung | Von Goethes Faust bis Kafkas Die Verwandlung gibt es viele Prätexte, die im Comic umgesetzt wurden. Neben den inhaltlichen Aspekten der Handlung untersucht das Seminar auch die erzählerischen Verfahren, mit denen die Stoffe dargestellt werden. Das Seminar diskutiert im Anschluss an die einschlägige Forschungsliteratur so die intermedialen und intertextuellen Verflechtungen und deren Funktionen. |
Universität/Hochschule | Universität Siegen |
Name der/des Dozierenden | Nao Tomabechi |
Titel der Lehrveranstaltung | The American Super-Monsters |
Art der Lehrveranstaltung | BA Seminar |
Fachliche Anbindung | Amerikanistik |
Kursbeschreibung | Monsters are everywhere in American popular culture. “Monster,” however, is an elusive term that can be applied to many figures, characters, bodies, and images. If there is no clear definition or checklist of requirements that identify one as a monster, what exactly are monsters? How do we recognize monsters? And why do find them so interesting?
It is important to note that monsters are not just fictional figures whose appearances we enjoy throughout various media. In fact, created to draw horror, they are a traditional tool numerous cultures have used to map out Othered identities and communicate majoritarian values. In this course, we will look into the concept of monsters and monstrosity as depicted in an immensely influential genre: the superhero genre. This is because the superhero genre relies heavily on monstrosity in constructing characters and narratives, but also because it is a genre that deals with American ideals through heroism. Through superhero comics, we will analyze how Othered identities such as race, gender, and sexuality, and disability is framed in relation to monstrosity to examine what it means to be a monster in American society. Readings will include not just superhero comics and superhero studies, but an interdisciplinary array of texts from monster studies, psychoanalysis, as well as gender and sexualities studies, etc. |
Name der/des Dozierenden | Marco Favaro |
Titel der Lehrveranstaltung | Superhelden in Comics |
Art der Lehrveranstaltung | online-Seminar (kostenpflichtig, einzelne kostenfreie Inhalte) |
Kursbeschreibung | Marco Favaro is a PhD Student at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg and he works at his project “The Mask of the Anti-hero. Evolution of the mythology and philosophy of the superhero in comics and graphic novels, from the Dark Age to the present” in cooperation with the Università degli Studi di Verona. His project is focused on the philosophical and cultural aspects of the superhero.
Online verfügbar unter https://bamberg.academia.edu/MFavaro?from_navbar=true |